11.What’s the rules of LP distribution?

[Users reward]: 40% of LP shall be automatically allocated to the previous user who add liquidity pool

[Public platoon reward]: 20% of LP shall be allocated to the queuing users who have 1.4 times profits and add liquidity pool

[Sharing reward]: 10% of LP shall be allocated to inviters

[Node reward]: 5% of LP shall be allocated to node

[Contract deposit]: 20% of LP shall be deposited in the award pool and be allocated to super nodes and the last order in proportion as the rewards

[Maintenance fees]: 5% of LP shall be owned by the developers and be used for platform maintenance

[GAS subsidy]: FOMO tokens shall be offered as GAS subsidy after each addition of liquidity pool

[Reward for super node]: 20% of the LP weighted dividend will be given to the super node as the reward for each 10000 orders, and FOMO tokens will be destroyed

[Reward for achieving goals]: 5000U LP shall be given to the user of the 10000th order as the reward, and FOMO tokens will be destroyed

[Ultimate reward]: the last user who adds LP at the end of countdown will receive 50% of the reward pool as the ultimate reward, and FOMO tokens will be destroyed

Last updated